Microsoft named an overall leader in KuppingerCole Leadership Compass for ITDR
Searching for the best identity threat detection and response (ITDR) service? We're pleased to share the news that Microsoft has been recognized as an overall leader in the Kuppinger Cole Leadership Compass Identity Threat Detection and Response: IAM Meets the SOC. This report looks at Microsoft's strengths in a range of areas, from identity posture to remediation.
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Microsoft named an overall leader in KuppingerCole Leadership Compass for ITDR
published by Align Right Technologies
Align Right Technologies offers expert IT managed services that are tailored to specifically benefit your business. With a focus on simplicity and consistent improvement, we provide comprehensive IT solutions including data backup, cloud consulting, network security, and virtualization. For a fully predictable flat-rate fee, we take care of your IT needs, ensuring you can concentrate on driving business growth. We also offer 24/7 support, providing peace of mind and enhanced security.